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For more than 20 years, I have worked in human resources mainly for multinational companies and I support management teams so that they achieve their objectives. I am especially passionate about change management, team management, communication and career transitions.

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With a business degree in hand and a passion for numbers, I started my career, somewhat by chance, in human resources, in a multinational oil company.   I mainly dealt with mobile staff: expatriates and their families. I discovered very interesting subjects: cultural differences, different systems of remuneration, social benefits, and the impact that a move from one continent to another can have on all family members.

I like this variety which suits my background:  South American parents, having grown up in Switzerland in a United Nations environment. I am trilingual, studied in Switzerland and the United States and worked in Switzerland and in Chile. Quite naturally, I specialized in remuneration and social benefits, to then take on HR Manager roles, most often for multinationals. The complexity of cyclical reorganisations, multi-line reporting, career paths that are anything but linear make up my daily work. 


To better support my clients, I returned to university and obtained both a degree in psychology and a certification in coaching. Coaching fascinated me from the start because it provides a series of pragmatic tools that allow you to ask yourself the right questions and find unique solutions tailored to your personal needs.

Thus for more than ten years, in parallel with in-house HR roles, I have coached executives and managers to foster their careers. My HR background is very useful and the tools offered by NLP, cognitive-behavioral and systemic theories are key to my approach.

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